Jun 19, 2012

First Week: 10 Things

1. I cant get enough of his big amazing sparkling eyes, I can just stare into them all day long.
2. I love the smell of his amazing skin and cant get enough of his little peach fuzz.
3. Breast feeding has not been the easiest and man does it hurt!!! I have had trouble producing enough milk for this growing boy, so unfortunately we have been supplementing formula {which broke my heart the first time we fed him} I felt incapable of giving my little man the proper nutrition. He is now eating about 3.5oz every feeding. He is growing right before our eyes.
4. Its funny, JD and I now refer to ourselves in the third person "mommy" and "daddy" but who cares we are so proud of our little creation.
5. I remember looking at his newborn clothes thinking "they looked so small" and "I cant wait to put him in them" we actually took some back thinking Hudson was going to be about 8lbs when born, much to our surprise he was 6lbs 10oz.
6. Its crazy to think that I was 4 days overdue and the waiting game seemed like it was never going to end, like I was going to be pregnant forever. Now I cant believe he is 10 days old!! Man time is already flying by.
7. It is amazing how your body can function on so little sleep. Lucky to get 6-7 hours in a day!!
8. Family is amazing and my advice is to take advantage of those who are willing to help, especially in those early days as a new mom and family!!
9. It still shocking that Hudson was inside of me for 9 almost 10 months and that JD and I created him.
10. I couldn't ask for a more amazing husband, he is so helpful and so great with Hudson. The love I have for both of them is a love I can't explain. So blessed.

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