Jul 20, 2012

Blog is moving.. check it out!!!

Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of post, but we have decided to take the peanut journal to a new location. Same exciting stuff with a new look!!! Please start following our new family blog the 
You will see more post of Hudson and of course things that happen in our daily life, and things we might just find interesting!! 

Jul 8, 2012

Hudson David, Your one month already?

{One Week}

{One Month}

wow, I cant believe its been one month since our little man was born. He has changed so much and needless to say its been a long month. Its been an emotional roller coaster. After 2 weeks of him in the world, poor little guy was diagnosed with Reflux and a milk allergy. JD and I were not sleeping and little man was not sleeping. The doctor told us a newborn will cry anywhere from 1-2 hours within a 24 hour period, that was not the case with Hudson. He would cry like 5-6 hours a day. We knew right away something was wrong. He was put on reflux medication that only worked for about a week and he was right back to were he was before, crying and we could tell he was in pain. He would cry and I would cry :( All I wanted to do was help him. 
We then went back to the doctor and he was put on a stronger reflux medicine, which seems to be helping more thus far. Grandma Pam also took him to a chiropractor to get him adjusted to see if that would help with his reflux and we think it has helped a lot. We go back to the doctor tomorrow to have him checked out again. Apparently this is very common in newborns and last up to 9 months. The great thing is that he will grow out of it but the bad news is its painful and hard for everyone. 
Even though its been a rough first month, its been a great month. We love him so much and its so nice to have a supportive husband and family. 

Jun 28, 2012

A Birth Story

Wow I cant believe it has almost been 3 weeks since our sweet baby boy joined the world. Let me tell you its been a whirl wind and trying to get the hang of this mommy thing is rough but we are getting it down, hence why I have had the lack of post.

It all started with our baby boy being 4 days overdue. Not to mention they had scheduled to induce me on my birthday {oh how I didn't want that to happen} On June 7th the contractions started. I tracked them for a few hours and they were so irregular and inconsistent that of course it was false labor, I went to bed and in hopes of them waking me up, they ended up going away. Here it is June 8th, still no baby and of course I am super anxious and getting irritated. What is taking him so long? I then decided he was going to be a mamas boy because he wanted to stay in there for what seemed like forever. That afternoon around 4:00 I started to get contractions again. I didn't think anything of it because of what had happened the day before. I ignored them for the most part and when JD got home I suggested we go out to dinner, I was craving a steak.

We went to dinner and during dinner my contractions were getting stronger. I started timing them at dinner and they were still pretty irregular. JD started to freak out, "do we need to get dinner togo?" we made it through dinner woohoo. Then about 10:00 that evening they started getting stronger and stronger. I started timing them again on my phone with a contraction timer {so awesome} eventually after about an hour and a half my phone alerted me it was probably time to go to the hospital. I called the 24 hour nurses hotline and the first question she asked me was "please tell me your in labor?" I laughed because she saw his due date and realized I was overdue. I said "I sure hope so". Sure enough she said I think its time for you to go. We took our time packing the rest of our bags and got to the hospital about 12:15 June 9th. I was taken up to a room to be monitored for several hours to make sure I was fully in labor. I was hooked up to all the monitors and could hear his heartbeat which is music to my ears and I already miss that sound. When we got to the hospital I was only 2cm dilated. I then had to walk around for an hour to try to get things moving along. After 2 hours I was dilated to 3cm. They then put me in a actual delivery room and once again hooked up to all the monitors. JD said babe you look like a TV{hence all the wires coming off of me}. 6am rolled around and the nurse came in to check me again and I was at 3.5cm she looked at me and said your not going anywhere. We were both relieved. This is really happening.

Alright so my intentions were not to use drugs, but as soon as I got into active labor the pain was unbearable. The only thing that made it comfortable was being on my knees and slouched over in the bed. My mom would hold my hand and JD would rub my lower back during a contraction. At this point they were a minute apart lasting a minute. The pain was only for a minute but it seemed like it was an hour. I didn't realize such noises could come out of me, I can only imagine what I sounded like. {to me I sounded like a rawring mama lion getting ready to push a tiny cub out of my oh so tiny parts}

I then pushed the button and said "Epidural PLEASE" I caved but I wanted to be able to rest and be able to push my brains out when the time came. The epidural arrived and lets say having me slouch over the bed while I am having a contraction and telling me to stay still was questionable, but I did it and the anesthesiologist was A-mazing. He was quick and I didn't feel a thing ;-) It was by far the best decision I could have made for me and my sweet baby.

By this time it was 9am I was 4cm and resting thank goodness. Watching the monitor was amazing. Being able to see my contractions but not feel them was a very cool thing to see. They were reaching the high 60's to 90's on the scale wowza.

Two hours had passed and the doctor came in to check my cervix. Much to our surprise I was 8cm dilated. WHAT?? I was so excited and couldn't believe how fast things were progressing. I then realized I really needed to take a nap. I ended up passing out for about a half hour. My labor thus far had been everything I didn't know I wanted... the only times that were scary was after they broke my water a few times Hudson's heart rate would drop and the nurse would run in to turn me on my other side or once it got so bad that she had me get on my hands and knees and added oxygen, which was super scary for me, but thankfully everything was okay!

2:30 rolls around and the doctor comes in to check my cervix again, I was 9.5cm and so ready to have this baby. It is truly amazing what our bodies can do. It did all the work for me I just had to push. My epidural was starting to wear off so I could start to feel more pressure from the contractions, which was a good thing. I could also feel with certain contractions his little head dropping further down into my pelvis. It was the most amazing feeling. 3:20 its time to push, mind you the nurse told me it would take about 2 hours to push since it was my first baby, at that point I didn't care I was in the moment and so ready to meet him. Once the pushing started, I was surprised at how natural it came to me, TMI but it really was like I was having the largest bowel movement of my life. Hudson was almost out when the nurse said to wait for the next contraction and he should be out in no time. The Doctor looked at me and said "you know what? Your so close, just push now" I pushed without a contraction and out came baby boy. 24 minutes of pushing and we finally were holding our amazing baby. The doctor was in shock about how well I pushed my little man out that he said to me that I could be his patient any day. That made me feel super human. I loved that!!

I was in shock, I couldn't believe what had just happened after 9 almost 10 long months of pregnancy, I was finally holding Hudson. I was totally in the moment that the nurse says "oh my god, he is peeing on you" all over my cheek {yeah that wouldn't be the last time} I didn't care I just was glad he was healthy and happy and I was okay! 

Then it was just us, I was able to breast feed and hold him skin to skin for the first hour of his life. It was such a surreal hour of our lives. We created him, we made this human. He is beautiful and the most  amazing miracle.
The first time JD got to hold him!! So in Love 

Our little miracle 

Jun 19, 2012

Newborn Pictures

Once again amazing pictures done by Claire Burnett of Boho Photography.
Love them so much 

First Week: 10 Things

1. I cant get enough of his big amazing sparkling eyes, I can just stare into them all day long.
2. I love the smell of his amazing skin and cant get enough of his little peach fuzz.
3. Breast feeding has not been the easiest and man does it hurt!!! I have had trouble producing enough milk for this growing boy, so unfortunately we have been supplementing formula {which broke my heart the first time we fed him} I felt incapable of giving my little man the proper nutrition. He is now eating about 3.5oz every feeding. He is growing right before our eyes.
4. Its funny, JD and I now refer to ourselves in the third person "mommy" and "daddy" but who cares we are so proud of our little creation.
5. I remember looking at his newborn clothes thinking "they looked so small" and "I cant wait to put him in them" we actually took some back thinking Hudson was going to be about 8lbs when born, much to our surprise he was 6lbs 10oz.
6. Its crazy to think that I was 4 days overdue and the waiting game seemed like it was never going to end, like I was going to be pregnant forever. Now I cant believe he is 10 days old!! Man time is already flying by.
7. It is amazing how your body can function on so little sleep. Lucky to get 6-7 hours in a day!!
8. Family is amazing and my advice is to take advantage of those who are willing to help, especially in those early days as a new mom and family!!
9. It still shocking that Hudson was inside of me for 9 almost 10 months and that JD and I created him.
10. I couldn't ask for a more amazing husband, he is so helpful and so great with Hudson. The love I have for both of them is a love I can't explain. So blessed.

Jun 13, 2012


Well for those of you who don't know our sweet baby boy joined us on June 9th!!
Born: 3:40pm
Weight: 6lbs 10oz
Length: 19.5 inches 
I will be posting our amazing birth story very soon so keep checking back
Here are a few pictures oh and his name is....
Hudson David Klein

Jun 1, 2012

IN TUNE: Breath of Life

So not only do I want to see The Snow White and the Huntsman, but seeing the trailer made me also fall in love with this song. I love her voice!!! Hope you enjoy!

May 31, 2012

Sooner or Later

Well still no baby!!! I had an appointment this morning and was hoping for some progress and of course nothing has happened since last week. I am still 70% effaced and barely dilating. This little boy of ours is super stubborn. My doctor decided that if he has not made his appearance by my birthday the 11th, then she will be inducing me the night of my birthday. Yes its exciting to know that 12 days from now I will have my little boy in my arms but at the same time, I want him to come on his own without drugs and before then.

For some reason today has been a hard day for me and I know its nothing to worry about and that I should enjoy my last days of being independent and take this time for myself and spend quality time with my husband before we become a family of 3, but I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks. I am almost 40 weeks, I feel like I have been pregnant for years and not only that but it took us a year to even get pregnant. I am so very grateful for everything and so very happy we are going to be parents in a short but what seems to be a very LONG 12 days {I have waited almost 2 years for this and now its only 12 days away or less} that is if he decides to come out before then.

I am hoping that our little one decides to come next week. I think my emotions are out of control today, and only because I am ready to hold him and kiss him. It will all work out and I just cant think about it. We will meet him soon enough.

I just had to vent and write about it!!!


May 28, 2012

38 Weeks..WOAH

HOW FAR ALONG? 38Weeks.. 
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Yes.. the top I am wearing in this picture is actually a dress.. but I turned it into a maternity top.. ha ha have to be creative when you want to look cute! 
HOW AM I SLEEPING: I am not at all.. insomnia has set it.. plus its so uncomfortable 
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK: Knowing that I am 70% effaced.. some progress is being made and knowing that those BH contractions are not for nothing
MISSING ANYTHING? EVERYTHING.. normal clothes, sleeping on my stomach, walking, sitting, standing normal. Not having to pee every 15 minutes and being able to see my feet =) 
CRAVINGS? No not really 
MOVEMENT: Yes.. still get the occasional kick in the ribs, but baby is running out of room
FEELING SICK? No, I do get nauseas every once in a while but I think that is nerves 
SHOWING YET? UM.. I think so 
LOOKING FORWARD TO:  meeting our little boy!!! I am actually 39 weeks now and we are both going stir crazy... this waiting game really SUCKS! COME OUT BABY 

Front View.. HOLY BELLY 

Here is what he was up to during week 38:

Baby Klein is now the size of a pumpkin!
Baby is about 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. His head is now about the same circumference as his abdomen.

  • He may have about an inch or so of hair already.
  • He is slowly shedding that white goo on his skin (called vernix caseosa) but you might see some of it at birth.

May 25, 2012

The evolution of the belly

 14 weeks
 18 weeks

26 weeks
34 weeks
36 weeks
38 weeks

Looking at all the pictures that we have taken throughout this amazing journey, makes me really think about the evolution of a women's body. I have truly lucked out on having such an amazing pregnancy. Some days I think to myself how is it that my belly is still stretching? but week after week it keeps growing and it only reassures me that this baby is healthy and growing just like he should be. When I first found out I was pregnant of course I would read and read and read to prepare myself for what is to come. I came across comments that said don't be surprised of what people might say and I didn't understand until it started happening... for example: "is there two? how many you go in there? 7 or 8? You look like your about to explode..... what are you about 8 months? NO, actually I am 6 months.. WOW your going to be big huh? 
Yes the belly is big, but beautiful and the holding the most amazing miracle inside, a miracle that is going to forever change our lives. 

Indeed I am about to "explode" this journey of my first pregnancy is coming to an end. At times I get that moment of claustrophobia when my boobs touch my belly or for once in my life food misses my chest and hits my belly ha ha and when my belly touches my legs and I haven't see my feet in months and my ankles are now kankles and I am gasping for air because baby is on my lungs. Then looking in the mirror and trying to remember what my body used to look like, and will it ever look like that again? Will these stretch marks fade and will my hair fall out after baby comes? but then I think my body is holding and making another human.. another human is going to be entering this world all because of me. A handsome 8lb cute nose and big foot baby boy that I will soon be seeing in the flesh.. ahhhh 

As far as baby progress.. we are progressing slowly.....but surely this little man will make it into this amazing world with many loved ones waiting for his arrival. I have been peeing and having BH contractions, lots of pressure in my pelvis and yes the pregnancy waddle has officially come. The waiting game is on and and every weird pain I think "what was that?" "Could this be it?" thinking I need to get that bathroom clean one more time, I still need to vacuum. I feel like you prepare for 10 months but that times comes when your in the final countdown and you try to prepare some more, but guess what baby is going to come when he is ready, whether we are or not and that is okay!! We are ready to meet him and who cares if we need to vacuum or maybe there is a few dirty dishes in the sink, this is life and those can wait. We are ready to be parents and thats all that matters. 

YES. its starting to sink in I AM GOING TO BE A MOM and we will have to take care of this little human who relies on us and only us for a very long time!! 

ANY DAY NOW.. we are ready for you baby boy!!

plus you will all get to find out his name very soon!! 
Cant wait to tell you!